January Series, Brand Strategy Messaging

Client Project
January 2024

January Series, Brand Strategy Messaging
For nearly 40 years, the January Series has inspired and informed audiences from diverse backgrounds. This free, 10-day event features a lineup of brilliant speakers, captivating topics, and thought-provoking discussions. Prominent academics, educators, artists, activists, and other experts deliver engaging lectures on a range of timely issues. Attendees can participate in person at Calvin University in Grand Rapids, Michigan, or access the series online from anywhere in the world, both live and on-demand throughout the year.

Together with freelance copywriter Adam Barr, I guided the January Series in aligning their vision with cohesive brand messaging. Through in-depth stakeholder interviews, we distilled key insights to establish a solid foundation, shaping the brand’s tone and defining its voice. As we progressed, we posed additional thoughtful questions and refined messaging through an iterative approach, resulting in comprehensive guidelines. These guidelines will support the brand in navigating, cultivating, and communicating a unified voice across all touchpoints, fostering a coherent connection with audiences, communities, and potential attendees.

  • + Brand Strategy
    + Copywriting
    + Tone of Voice

  • + Team Leadership
    + Creative Direction
    + Qualitative & Research
    + Project Management
    + User Interviews
    + Copywriting
    + Brand Messaging

  • This project was a joint endeavor with Adam Barr, freelance copywriter.